osmose unit with methane gas strip tower


Tipi300 m³
MarkëBruine de Bruin
Type RO10-10L-02-300S
System pump Included
Well pump Grundfos SP30-13
Maximum achievable capacity Approximately 12M3/H, depending on EC source water
Preserved Yes
Construction Stainless steel
Length 5100 mm
Width 1200 mm
Height 1700 mm
Power supply 400 V 50/60 Hz
Methane gas strip tower Optionally available

The osmosis units are professionally removed and preserved, so that the membranes remain in good condition.
All our osmosis units are checked for correct operation by our specialists. If needed, necessary components are replaced, such as the membranes. After this thorough check, we print a report. A water analysis is required for correct operation.


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